Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm sitting here watching So You Think You Can Dance thinking about how much more I should be doing so I might as well be blogging too right? Today marks a very special day, Kyle is finished with school and in about 3 hours he will finish his last work shift of the summer. Now the countdown begins until Monday night when we head home to Portland for the summer. Actually about his time on Monday Lucy and I will be taking off in an airplane and Kyle and Joe will be on their way driving. Words cannot describe how excited we are to finally get home. It may not be a permanent move but I'll take 2 months for now and the permanent move next April. I have so much to do it's a little stressful but boy is it worth it. I'm so excited to be around our families but I think I'm the most excited probably for Lucy to get to spend the next 2 months with all her cousins. The poor girl is stuck with me all day everyday and boy does she deserve to be around some kids for a while. My to-do list is beyond insane. It's a 2 pages front and back. The first page I have each room written down and the list of tasks that need to be accomplished in said room. You have no idea how much cleaning needs to be done for a 2 month vacation in a house that is already pretty clean all the time. And about 80% of it is stuff that I have to wait to do until after I put Lucy to bed because it's about impossible otherwise. The back is just all the random stuff like clean the car out, get the oil changed, blah blah blah. Plus another page full of stuff that I cannot forget to bring. I've been working on that one for a while because random stuff just pops into my head all the time. Tomorrow we get to drive up to Kyle's uncles house in Layton to hang out and pick up his cousin Joe. He's going to be driving back with Kyle so Lucy and I can fly. I'm so grateful for that because taking a 1 year old on a 12 hour car ride does not sound like my cup of tea. I'm kind of sad though because Kyle and I have taken that drive together so many times it's become a special thing for us. So many memories of talking for hours, rocking out to music, eating ridiculous junk food and all the inside jokes of places we've stopped along the way. Him and Joe will have a lot of fun though. Joe's leaving on his mission soon so it will be good for him and Kyle to have some one on one time since they're so close and never get to see each other. In other news my little Lucy is walking. I can't believe it. She'll be 1 here in 3 short weeks. I'm sure she will have a post devoted to her 1 year accomplishments and what not soon enough so I won't go into too much detail. She's just growing up way too fast. Anyways my show is almost over so it's time to end this rambling and get to work. See you all in Portland!

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