Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Why I love having a girl.

Lucy's beautiful curly brown hair is getting so long and it's been so fun being able to play around with it. Here are some of the things I've come up with so far.

French braids. These actually last a lot longer in her hair then I thought they would.

Probably my favorite. This one is great too for getting all her hair back when it needs to be washed but it's not bath time yet.

Love this too. She looks like such a precious little girl with these in!

But of course there's always the straight out of the bath look. (PS Look at those gorgeous brown eyes!)
So much fun. Not that I won't love having a little boy but he definitely won't be as fun to dress up! I can't wait until her hair grows more and she has long ringlets down her back like I did when I was little. Kyle asked me when I think I'll cut her hair for the first time and I said probably not until shes like 4. I love my sweet girl!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Long Day

One day last week I decided to pick Kyle some subway for lunch because it was his long day that he's gone from 730 to 630 then work from 8-midnight. After dropping it off to him Lucy and I were on our way home to put her down for a nap when this happened...

I was on the road right outside my apartment when I pulled up behind a BYU maintenance truck. As we were driving along the truck came to a stop which I didn't really think anything of because the grounds people are always stopping to pick up branches and stuff. So I stopped too so I could go around them. Little did I know that this truck had other plans and all of a sudden started going in reverse. My first instinct was to back up to because I thought they were only going back a couple of feet. I realized quickly that they had no idea that I was there and just kept on reversing. I was honking my horn like crazy but they couldn't hear me either. It wasn't too long before they hit me, luckily just side swiping because when I was frantically backing up I somehow swerved my car all the way to the curb. I have feeling that if they would have hit me head on things would have been a lot worse for me and my car. Someone was definitely looking out for me, my little girl in the back seat, and my little bun in the oven. From the sound of the impact they finally realized I was there and stopped. I'm happy to say that Lucy and I are completely fine. I went to the doctor later that day and the little man is fine as well. I did have some painful cramping the rest of the day but it's all ok now. The police came and took our accident reports and what not. The car still drove minus the flat tire but the maintenance crew was nice enough to put a spare on for me so I could make it home (about a block). The driver door didn't open though so until I dropped it off at the body shop a couple days later I was crawling over the passenger side to get in and out. The next couple days were spent on the phone with various insurance companies, doctors and car shops. So glad that part is over. Now my little neon is getting all pampered and we are rolling around in a rental for the time being. Words can't describe how grateful I am that this wasn't as serious as it could have been. Thinking about having my kids in the car during a serious accident is so terrifying. I hope that's something I never have to experience. As for now all is well!

In case you don't know what these trucks look like this is the closet I could find online.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lucy's got the moves.

Lucy has a favorite show on Nickelodeon called "Bubble Guppies". It's just a goofy kid show but she absolutely loves the theme song. Every morning when it comes on she lights up and shakes her groove thing. Even if she's in the other room she runs to the tv and starts dancing. In fact just watching this video on the computer she is dancing away. It's a pretty hilarious way to start the day.

Lounging and watching her favorite show.