We were so blessed with the opportunity to go back to Portland over Christmas break. It was such an amazing trip filled with lots of laughs and good times with family and friends. Sure made us homesick to come home but school was calling! I was kind of afraid that Lucy would get overwhelmed with all the activity and people since pretty much her whole life its just been me, her and daddy. She did great though! Even though both of us came down with some pretty bad colds. I was so proud of my little trooper. She loved all the attention and was her very happy self despite all the commotion, serious lack of sleep and a structured schedule. She also took the chance to perfect her sitting up while she had a constant adoring audience. She's a pro now and should be crawling any time now. I couldn't have had a better trip. It was an awesome first Christmas as a family. Lucy had no idea what was going on of course but still loved it. She got some pretty fun toys from Grandma Lori. She was much more interested in unwrapping the presents than what was inside but once the toys were out of the packaging she was loving every minute of them. We've already had some fun moments together playing with them in her room. I'm so grateful for everyone that I got to spend this holiday season with and I cant wait for our next trip home! Whenever that may be...
Homeschool Field Trips
9 years ago
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